
the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.

taken by: Sofía Aizenman

drip tip 

An elongated leaf tip from which excess water drips off, as found in plants of the rainforest.


A plant that grows on another plant and depends on it for support butnot food. Epiphytes get moisture and nutrients from the air or fromsmall pools of water that collect on the host plant.

taken by: Sofía Aizenman

shallow root system

The roots of a strong tree which reach all the way to give nutrients to the tree.


A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.

Any of various climbing, woody, usually tropical vines.

emergent layer

The tallest trees of the rainforest are in the emergent layer. These tall treesget lots of sunlight.  Some of the trees grow as tall as 200 feet tall.

canopy layer 

 This is the second tallest layer. It is like a roof for thetwo lower layers because so many leaves and branches are together that you can't see anything below it.


The second lowest layer of the rainforest. Little sunshine reaches it and there are many animals here.

forest floor 

This is lowest layer in the rainforest. It is very dark,and hardly any plants grow there. It is a place where decomposure occurs quickly.

taken by: Sofía Aizenman

 water system

A system of supplying water, as throughout a metropolitan area.

taken by: Sofía Aizenman

 flowering plants

Plants which have stamen and pistils, and produce true seeds. All flowering plants have different types of flowers.

taken by: Sofía Aizenman

non-flowering plants

Plants that do not produce flowers, they are the oldest living plants in the world.

taken by: Sofía Aizenman

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